sábado, 1 de octubre de 2011

seven Kind of smarts!

The theory of multiple intelligences was proposed by Howard Gardner and has been developed by him for 15 years. He proposed this radical new theory because he felt that the old definition of intelligence, or schoolhouse giftedness, was inadequate. The old definition focused too much on linguistic and logical thinking. Though those ways of thinking were important, it left other kinds of intelligence, like a musician’s intelligence in music, out in the cold. Gardner believed that rather than two ways of thinking, or ways to be smart, there were seven. This led to his theory of multiple intelligences.
Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences states that rather than two ways to be smart, there are seven. The seven ways to be smart, according to Gardner are:

linguistic intelligence
Linguistic Intelligence
  • sensitivity to the sounds, rhythms, and meanings of words
  • sensitivity to the different functions of language
Favourite Activities: writing and reading, listening and speaking
Professions: poet, journalist

musical intelligence
Musical Intelligence
  • abilities to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch, and timber
  • appreciation of the forms of musical expressiveness
Favourite Activities: play and listen to music
Professions: composer, instrumentalist

logical-mathematical intelligence
Logic-mathematical Intelligence
  • sensitivity to, and capacity to discern, logical or numerical patterns
  • ability to handle long chains of reasoning
Favourite Activities: putting things in order, solving of logical problems, programming a computer
Professions: mathematician, scientist

spatial intelligence Spatial Intelligence
  • capacity to perceive the visual-spatial world accurately
  • capacity to perform transformations on one's initial perceptions
Favourite Activities: drawing, taking things apart, playing of games
Professions: navigator, sculptor

bodily-kinesthetic intelligence
Bodily-kinaesthetic Intelligence
  • abilities to control one's body movements
  • ability to handle objects skilfully
Favourite Activities: dancing, acting, doing crafts (e.g. carving, sewing)
Professions: dancer, athlete

intrapersonal intelligence
Intrapersonal Intelligence
  • access to one's own feelings and ability to discriminate among them and draw upon them to guide behaviour
  • knowledge of one's own strengths, weaknesses, desires, and intelligences
Favourite Activities: dreaming, thinking about thinking (metacognition)
Profession: - (accurate, detailed self knowledge)

interpersonal intelligence
Interpersonal Intelligence
  • capacity to discern and respond appropriately to the moods, temperaments, motivations, and desires of other people
Favourite Activities: understanding and influencing other people
Professions: therapist, salesman

naturalistic intelligence
Naturalistic Intelligence
  • ability to recognize and classify minerals, plants, and animals
Favourite Activities: observing and experiencing nature, gardening, cooking
Professions: biologist, zoologist

1 comentario:

  1. thats are very interesting topics I really like it, because I can make use of them... Very well Carencita!! :=)
